The first online store – 5 ideas for a new e-commerce business in Poland

Starting your own e-commerce business is getting more and more difficult. This is due to considerable market competition. To attract the attention of potential customers and achieve success, you need a good idea. Virtually anything can be sold online, but will consumers be willing to buy your goods? It’s a completely different matter. Read our guide and learn how to plan a profitable e-commerce business in Poland. 

How to start running a business online?

The basis for launching an online store is a good business plan. Before starting any activities, it is worth establishing business goals, possible markets for products, the target group, as well as the initial budget that cannot be exceeded. In this way, you can easily assess the profitability of starting a new business.

The Internet offers unlimited possibilities when it comes to trading. How to achieve success and not lose the invested funds? Use a few tips.

  1. Perform a market analysis – this is a good way to assess the profitability of the planned business and possible income.
  2. Estimate the total costs of entering the e-commerce market.
  3. Plan marketing activities that will help you promote your new sales website.
  4. Create a friendly website (with good UX).

It is also very important to plan the work of the logistics department in your company in advance. The sale of products via the Internet requires the goods to be shipped directly from the warehouse. The key in this case is the smooth flow of information between the store and the employees responsible for shipping.

If you want to be sure that your business will run as it should, be sure to use the professional logistics service of an online store. More on this topic can be found in the OEX FULFILIO offer at:

The best business ideas in e-commerce in Poland

A good idea for a new business in the e-commerce industry should be above all: eye-catching, personalized, original and valuable for a potential customer. If your idea is a complete novelty on the market and you meet the needs of the market – there is a good chance that you will achieve incredible success. Below are five of the best e-commerce business ideas.

1. Ecological gastronomic accessories – healthy business

These days, it’s a great idea for a new online business. It is enough to find a manufacturer of ecological packaging, straws and cutlery for gastronomy. More and more companies want to act pro-ecologically. For this reason, this form of running a business can turn out to be really profitable.

In order to turn the idea into real profits, you need: a network of customers (preferably restaurants and fast food bars), good quality products and a friendly website for selling.

2. Cosmetics for men

Running an online store with products strictly for men is another proposition. In Poland and around the world, more and more men wear long beards and take care of their hair and face/head skin. This translates into a growing interest in organic cosmetics designed exclusively for men.

You can open a new e-commerce business in this field in several ways. The easiest way will be to find a manufacturer of proven cosmetic products and distribute them for an additional commission. Alternatively, you can run your own production line and promote completely new products on the market. Unfortunately, this is associated with considerable initial costs, although it can translate into real success.

2. Children’s toys

Selling toys online is a chance for high income all year round. To maximize profits, it is worth betting on safe, ecological and educational toys for children of all ages. Launching an online store with such an assortment is practically a guarantee of success.

The sales market for toys is open all year round, although there are also periods of increased activity, e.g. birthdays, christenings, first communions or family events. In such situations, many people are looking for toys that will not only be safe for the toddler, but also contribute to its development.

4. Electric vehicles

On the Internet, you can deal with the distribution of professional equipment for traveling with an electric drive. Such means of transport are becoming more and more popular among many social groups.

Contact manufacturers of scooters, bicycles or electric skateboards and start your own online store. You can sell products by imposing your margin. This is a future-oriented business, especially due to the continuous development of electric vehicles and the growing interest in alternative methods of travel.

5. Phone accessories

Although there are plenty of online stores in this industry – it’s still worth trying your hand. You can produce and sell personalized phone cases, lanyards, stickers and even protective glasses. The market for such products is always active.

All you have to do is take care of the right promotion, get customers interested in your offer … and even offer attractive prices for your products.

Is it worth starting a new e-commerce business – your own business?

Ideas for an online store can be different. You can operate in virtually any industry online, although you will not always be able to achieve the planned profits. The way to success in e-commerce is primarily: sales planning, cost optimization and logistics process management. If you also choose an interesting idea for your own business – you have a good chance that your new online business will be the greatest success in your life.

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Rafał Kuczmarski

Head of Sales 

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Rafał Kuczmarski

Head of Sales 

Fulfilio is the administrator of your data. Your data is processed to respond to your inquiry. The GDPR gives you the right to access your data and object to the processing. More information about your rights and data processing can be found in the Privacy Policy.